“STEM Resilience is a powerful resource to help individuals further their careers in science, technology, engineering and math. We deliver interactive keynotes, conduct workshops and webinars, and provide career coaching and mentoring using our strategically developed Identify, Create, Execute process.“
STEM RESILIENCE Endures “Professional Choppiness”
Being resilient in STEM is a combination of being resilient in our personal and our professional lives. I recently did a workshop with a group of women STEM faculty and graduate students. When I asked [...]
STEM RESILIENCE IS… Staying focused in spite of microaggressions.
Microaggressions are actions that people take that can cause you to question the essence of who you are and what you are doing. The actions are often subtle, quietly eroding the forward movement in your career [...]
Ribbons of Resilience
Are you Busy? Feeling like you don’t have control of ANYTHING? So many tasks… So many expectations? Expectations, that others have of us and that we have of ourselves. During this unprecedented time of [...]
Thank you number one for being such a positive role model. I really enjoyed your talk at BMES and I hope people told you all the wonderful things they told me. They were not only impressed with your story, your outstanding presentation, but also your humility and humor. Keep doing what you do. It got me motivated!!!
The personal, one to one, coaching has made a tremendous impact in my daily agenda. My approach to maximizing my opportunities as a post doc has been refined. The confidence level that I bring to my position search and networking opportunities has evolved as well. Thanks for your insight and continued support.
The personal, one to one, coaching has made a tremendous impact in my daily agenda. My approach to maximizing my opportunities as a post doc has been refined. The confidence level that I bring to my position search and networking opportunities has evolved as well. Thanks for your insight and continued support.
What Dr. Grant offered me was a toolkit to surviving and thriving despite challenges and a protocol for making difficult decisions with unwavering commitment to the success of those decisions despite the uncertainty of the outcome. I highly recommend Dr. Grant as a life coach and mentor.
Your impact on women attending the two Women of Color in STEM conferences which we held since you were a speaker at these events as well as someone who did networking with the participants. Mainly we focused on your work as a coach with the women especially those of our faculty who have had you as one-on-one coach. Your expertise and guidance have been invaluable to these women faculty. These women have gone on to do great things!
Dr. Grant’s workshops were fantastic. She was thoughtful, engaging, well-prepared and interested in her audience. Participants took home useful materials, were provided concrete examples and models and pathways toward goals. I recommend her highly for both STEM and non-STEM focused audiences.